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Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets- are used to treat pain and inflammation which may be caused by the release of certain hormones or chemical messengers in the body. This tablet has two different chemical compositions one is Serratiopeptidase and the other one is Diclofenac. These two chemical compositions have different types of properties which helps in providing the relief caused by these chemical messengers. Generally, the pain is of two types.

  1. Acute Pain
  2. Chronic Pain

Acute pain is temporary pain that remains for a very short interval and this kind of pain is caused by damage to the tissues of the muscle, bone, or organs whereas Chronic pain is lifelong pain with that you have to live your whole. This medication provides relief from these kinds of pain. Sometimes the body is infected by foreign particles and to protect our body from these outsiders the body start producing certain chemical which riese the body and cause inflammation this drug also provide relief from these kinds of inflammation.

Mechanisms of Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets | TYDASE-D TAB.

Pain in the body is generally caused because of the release of certain chemicals and by blocking these chemical messages this medication provides relief from the inflammation and pain caused by these chemical messengers. This medication is in the form of tablets which is why the right way to administrate this drug in the body is through the mouth. This table is made from two different chemical compositions

  1. Serratiopeptidase
  2. Diclofenac

These two have different type of properties which helps them in performing certain mechanisms in the body which are mentioned below.

Serratiopeptidase- Histamine bradykinin, and serotonin are the chemical messengers that are responsible for many allergic reactions in the body which can cause inflammation and pain in the body. This particular composition helps in reducing the capillary permeability induced by histamine, bradykinin, and serotonin by doing that it prevents the inflammation and pain caused by these chemical messengers. This chemical composition is a kind of enzyme that can easily break down the protein and also help in increasing the absorption of decomposed products through the blood and lymphatics.

Diclofenac- This is the second composition from this tablet and it is a very effective NSAIDs drug. Generally, there is a chemical messenger named prostaglandin. This is the chemical that is mainly responsible for the pain in the body. This chemical composition helps in inhibiting the prostaglandin synthesis in the body and provides relief from the pain caused by this prostaglandin chemical messenger.

Benefits of Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets

This is a chemical-based medication and this medication has some properties that help in providing relief from different symptoms of pain.

  1. This medication provides relief from acute pain.
  2. This tablet is also very helpful in case of chronic pain.
  3. This medication helps in blocking chemical messengers like Histamine bradykinin, serotonin, and prostaglandin.
  4. This medication also provides relief from inflammation.

Side Effects of Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets

Chemical messengers are produced by the brain for conveying certain messages to the body and blocking this may cause some problems. These are some of the side effects of this Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea

Direction for Using Serratiopeptidase and Diclofenac 50mg Tablets

This medication must be used as it was prescribed by the doctor because when you do that you can minimize the side effects of this tablet. These are some instructions if you follow that you will get quick therapeutic results from this tablet.

  1. Do not chew and crush this tablet, take the whole tablet in one row
  2. Drugs can interact with other drugs, that is why if you are taking any other medication let your doctor know before starting this medication.
  3. Keep your tablet pack in a cool, dry, and dark place.
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